
Homemade Kitty Toys: How to Make Fun and Budget-Friendly Toys for Your Furry Friend

If you are a cat lover, you know how much joy and entertainment your kitty can bring to your life. But you also know how expensive cat toys can be, especially if your cat tends to lose or destroy them quickly. Plus, some store-bought toys may contain harmful materials or chemicals that could pose a risk to your cat's health.

So, why not make your own homemade kitty toys? Not only will you save money and reduce waste, but you will also have fun creating something unique and personalized for your feline companion. Homemade cat toys can also stimulate your cat's natural instincts, such as hunting, chasing, pouncing, and scratching, and keep them active and happy.

In this article, we will show you how to make 10 easy and fun DIY cat toys using common household items or materials that you can find at any craft store. These toys are simple to make, but they will provide hours of enjoyment for your kitty. Let's get started!

1. Paper Balls

One of the simplest homemade kitty toys you can make is a paper ball. All you need is some paper (preferably colorful or shiny) and some scissors. Cut the paper into small squares and crumple them into balls. You can also add some catnip inside the balls for extra excitement.

Paper balls are great for tossing, batting, chasing, and carrying around. Your cat will love the crinkly sound and texture of these toys, as well as the unpredictable way they bounce and roll.

2. Old Socks

Another easy way to make homemade kitty toys is to use old socks that you no longer wear or need. You can turn them into plush toys by stuffing them with cotton, fabric scraps, or even rice or beans (make sure to sew them well so they don't spill out). You can also add some catnip or a bell inside the sock for extra stimulation.

Old socks make great cuddle buddies for your cat, especially if they have your scent on them. Your cat can also bite, kick, or toss them around as they please.

3. Cylinders

Cylinders are another fun toy that you can make with old socks or other materials, such as toilet paper rolls, cardboard tubes, or plastic bottles. To make a cylinder toy, simply cut off the ends of the sock or tube and tie a knot on each side. You can also add some feathers, ribbons, or strings on the ends for extra flair.

Cylinders are perfect for rolling, sliding, or dragging across the floor. Your cat will enjoy chasing after them or batting them with their paws.

4. Boxes

It's no secret that cats love boxes. They provide a cozy hiding place, a vantage point, or a fort for your kitty. You can make homemade kitty toys out of boxes by cutting holes in them, decorating them with stickers or paint, or adding some toys or treats inside.

Boxes are great for stimulating your cat's curiosity and imagination. They can explore, play, nap, or scratch inside them as they wish.

5. Catnip

Catnip is a natural herb that can induce a euphoric reaction in most cats. It can make them more playful, energetic, or relaxed, depending on their mood and personality. You can use catnip to enhance any homemade kitty toy by sprinkling it on them or stuffing it inside them.

Catnip can make your cat more interested and engaged in their toys, as well as provide some health benefits, such as reducing stress, anxiety, or boredom.

6. Feather Wand

A feather wand is a classic toy that can entice your cat's hunting instincts. You can make one by attaching some feathers, ribbons, or strings to a stick, a rod, or a wire. You can also add some bells or beads for extra sound and movement.

A feather wand is ideal for interactive play with your cat. You can wave it, drag it, or flick it in front of your cat and watch them jump, pounce, or swipe at it. This toy can help your cat exercise their muscles, improve their coordination, and strengthen your bond.

7. Scratching Post

A scratching post is an essential toy for any cat owner. It can help your cat sharpen their claws, stretch their muscles, mark their territory, and relieve their stress. You can make your own scratching post by wrapping some sisal rope, twine, or fabric around a wooden board, a PVC pipe, or a cardboard tube. You can also add some toys or treats on top of the post for extra incentive.

A scratching post can keep your cat happy and healthy, as well as protect your furniture from their claws.

8. Puzzle Feeder

A puzzle feeder is a toy that can challenge your cat's intelligence and problem-solving skills. It can also slow down their eating and prevent overeating or boredom. You can make a puzzle feeder by cutting holes in a plastic container, a cardboard box, or an egg carton and filling it with dry food or treats.

A puzzle feeder can stimulate your cat's brain and senses, as well as reward them for their efforts.

9. Fishing Rod Toy

A fishing rod toy is another interactive toy that can appeal to your cat's predatory nature. You can make one by attaching a string, a wire, or an elastic band to a stick, a rod, or a pole and adding some toys or treats at the end of it.

A fishing rod toy can keep your cat entertained and active for hours. You can toss it, swing it, or dangle it in front of your cat and watch them chase after it or try to catch it.

10. Catnip Mouse

A catnip mouse is a classic toy that can satisfy your cat's instinct to hunt small prey. You can make one by sewing two pieces of fabric together in the shape of a mouse and stuffing it with cotton or catnip. You can also add some ears, eyes, whiskers, or a tail for extra realism.

A catnip mouse can be your cat's best friend or worst enemy. Your cat can cuddle with it, bite it, kick it, or toss it around as they please.


As you can see, making homemade kitty toys is easy, fun, and budget-friendly. You don't need to spend a lot of money or time to create something that your kitty will love and appreciate. Homemade kitty toys can also be more safe and eco-friendly than store-bought ones.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab some materials and get creative! Your kitty will thank you for it!

I hope you enjoyed this article and found some inspiration for making homemade kitty toys for your furry friend. If you did, please share it with your friends and family who might also benefit from it. And if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. I would love to hear from you!

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