
Cat Breeds: A Comprehensive Guide to Compare and Choose

If you are a cat lover, you might be curious about the different cat breeds and how they differ from each other. There are over 70 recognized cat breeds in the world, each with its own unique appearance, temperament, and history. Some cat breeds are more popular than others, but all of them have something special to offer to their owners.

In this article, we will compare and contrast some of the most common and popular cat breeds, as well as some of the rare and exotic ones. We will also give you some tips on how to choose the best cat breed for your lifestyle, preferences, and needs. Whether you are looking for a cuddly companion, a playful partner, or a low-maintenance pet, there is a cat breed for you.

What are the factors to consider when choosing a cat breed?

Before you decide on a specific cat breed, you should consider some factors that will affect your relationship with your future feline friend. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Personality: Different cat breeds have different personalities, ranging from friendly and outgoing to shy and independent. Some cats are more sociable and enjoy human company, while others prefer to be left alone. Some cats are more active and playful, while others are more calm and relaxed. You should choose a cat breed that matches your own personality and lifestyle.
  • Appearance: Of course, one of the main reasons why people choose a certain cat breed is because of their appearance. Cat breeds vary in their size, shape, color, coat length, and pattern. Some people prefer fluffy cats, while others like sleek ones. Some people like cats with distinctive features, such as folded ears or curly hair, while others like more classic looks. You should choose a cat breed that appeals to your aesthetic sense and that you find attractive.
  • Health: Another important factor to consider when choosing a cat breed is their health. Some cat breeds are more prone to certain health issues than others, due to their genetic makeup or breeding history. For example, some flat-faced breeds, such as Persians and Exotic Shorthairs, are more likely to have respiratory problems, eye infections, and dental issues. Some long-haired breeds, such as Maine Coons and Ragdolls, are more likely to have matting problems and hairballs. Some breeds, such as Siamese and Abyssinians, are more likely to have kidney diseases and diabetes. You should choose a cat breed that has a good health record and that you can afford to take care of.

What are some of the most popular cat breeds?

According to the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA), which is the world's largest registry of pedigreed cats, these are some of the most popular cat breeds in 2020:

  1. Ragdoll: Ragdolls are large, fluffy cats with blue eyes and pointed coats. They are named after their tendency to go limp when picked up, like a ragdoll. They are very affectionate, gentle, and docile cats that love to follow their owners around and cuddle with them. They are also very intelligent and can learn tricks and commands.
  2. Exotic Shorthair: Exotic Shorthairs are similar to Persians in appearance, but with shorter coats that require less grooming. They have round heads, flat faces, large eyes, and small ears. They are very sweet, loyal, and quiet cats that enjoy being lap cats. They are also very adaptable and can get along with other pets and children.
  3. British Shorthair: British Shorthairs are medium-sized cats with sturdy bodies, round heads, large eyes, and short coats. They come in various colors and patterns, but the most common one is blue-gray. They are very calm, dignified, and independent cats that do not demand much attention from their owners. They are also very loyal and affectionate with their family members.
  4. Persian: Persians are one of the oldest and most popular cat breeds in the world. They are known for their long, fluffy coats, round heads, flat faces, and expressive eyes. They come in various colors and patterns, but the most common one is white. They are very elegant, graceful, and refined cats that enjoy being pampered and groomed. They are also very sweet, gentle, and quiet cats that prefer a peaceful and comfortable environment.
  5. Maine Coon: Maine Coons are one of the largest and most majestic cat breeds in the world. They are known for their long, thick coats, tufted ears, bushy tails, and large paws. They come in various colors and patterns, but the most common one is brown tabby. They are very friendly, outgoing, and playful cats that enjoy being part of the family. They are also very intelligent and can learn tricks and commands.
  6. American Shorthair: American Shorthairs are medium-sized cats with muscular bodies, round heads, large eyes, and short coats. They come in various colors and patterns, but the most common one is silver tabby. They are very adaptable, easygoing, and low-maintenance cats that can thrive in any environment. They are also very affectionate, loyal, and sociable cats that get along with other pets and children.

What are some of the rare and exotic cat breeds?

If you are looking for a more unique and unusual cat breed, you might be interested in these rare and exotic ones:

  1. Sphynx: Sphynxes are hairless cats with wrinkled skin, large ears, and prominent cheekbones. They are very energetic, curious, and mischievous cats that love to explore and play. They are also very affectionate, loyal, and vocal cats that crave human attention and interaction. They require regular bathing and skin care to prevent dirt and oil buildup.
  2. Bengal: Bengals are hybrid cats that result from crossing domestic cats with Asian leopard cats. They have spotted or marbled coats that resemble wild cats, as well as muscular bodies, large ears, and almond-shaped eyes. They are very active, adventurous, and intelligent cats that enjoy climbing, jumping, and hunting. They are also very loyal, friendly, and vocal cats that bond strongly with their owners.
  3. Scottish Fold: Scottish Folds are cats with folded ears that give them a cute and owl-like appearance. They have round heads, large eyes, and short or long coats. They come in various colors and patterns, but the most common one is white. They are very sweet, gentle, and calm cats that enjoy being lap cats. They are also very adaptable and can get along with other pets and children.
  4. Savannah: Savannahs are hybrid cats that result from crossing domestic cats with servals. They have spotted or striped coats that resemble wild cats, as well as tall legs, large ears, and long necks. They are very energetic, athletic, and intelligent cats that enjoy running, jumping, and hunting. They are also very loyal, friendly, and vocal cats that bond strongly with their owners.
  5. Russian Blue: Russian Blues are medium-sized cats with slender bodies, pointed ears, and green eyes. They have short coats that are blue-gray in color and have a silver sheen. They are very elegant, graceful, and reserved cats that prefer a quiet and stable environment. They are also very loyal, affectionate, and intelligent cats that bond strongly with their owners.
  6. Munchkin: Munchkins are small-sized cats with short legs due to a genetic mutation. They have round heads, large eyes, and short or long coats. They come in various colors and patterns, but the most common one is white. They are very playful, curious, and outgoing cats that enjoy being part of the family. They are also very adaptable and can get along with other pets and children.

How to compare different cat breeds?

Now that you have learned about some of the different cat breeds, you might be wondering how to compare them and choose the best one for you. There is no definitive answer to this question, as different cat breeds suit different people and situations. However, here are some general tips that can help you narrow down your options:

  • Do your research: Before you decide on a specific cat breed, you should do some research on their characteristics, personality, health, and care requirements. You can use online resources, such as CFA, TICA, PetMD, or The Spruce Pets, to learn more about the cat breeds that interest you. You can also consult with cat breeders, veterinarians, or cat owners to get more information and advice.
  • Consider your lifestyle: Another important factor to consider when choosing a cat breed is your lifestyle and preferences. You should think about how much time, space, and money you can devote to your cat, as well as what kind of activities you enjoy doing with your pet. For example, if you live in a small apartment and work long hours, you might want a cat breed that is low-maintenance and independent, such as a British Shorthair or an American Shorthair. If you have a large house and a lot of free time, you might want a cat breed that is high-energy and sociable, such as a Ragdoll or a Bengal.
  • Meet the cats: The best way to compare different cat breeds is to meet them in person and see how they interact with you. You can visit cat shows, shelters, or breeders to see and touch different cats and observe their behavior and temperament. You can also ask questions and get feedback from the people who know them best. This way, you can get a better sense of their personality and compatibility with you.

How to care for different cat breeds?

Once you have chosen your cat breed, you should learn how to care for them properly and keep them healthy and happy. While all cats have some basic needs, such as food, water, litter box, toys, and veterinary care, some cat breeds have specific needs that require more attention and effort. Here are some examples:

  • Grooming: Some cat breeds have long or thick coats that need regular brushing and trimming to prevent matting and shedding. Some cat breeds have flat faces that need regular cleaning and wiping to prevent eye and nose infections. Some cat breeds have folded ears that need regular checking and cleaning to prevent ear infections.
  • Diet: Some cat breeds have special dietary needs that need to be met to prevent health issues. For example, some cat breeds are more prone to obesity and need to be fed with low-calorie and high-protein food. Some cat breeds are more prone to urinary tract problems and need to be fed with wet food and plenty of water. Some cat breeds are more prone to allergies and need to be fed with hypoallergenic food.
  • Exercise: Some cat breeds have high activity levels that need to be satisfied with adequate exercise and stimulation. For example, some cat breeds are very athletic and agile and need to have access to outdoor space or indoor climbing structures. Some cat breeds are very intelligent and curious and need to have access to interactive toys or puzzles.


Cat breeds are diverse and fascinating creatures that can enrich your life with their beauty, personality, and companionship. However, choosing a cat breed is not an easy task, as you need to consider various factors, such as their appearance, personality, health, and care requirements. You also need to do your research, consider your lifestyle, and meet the cats in person before making a decision. By following these tips, you can compare different cat breeds and choose the best one for you.

If you want to learn more about different cat breeds, you can check out these websites for more information and resources:

  • CFA: The Cat Fanciers' Association is the world's largest registry of pedigreed cats and provides information on breed standards, shows, events, and publications.
  • TICA: The International Cat Association is the world's largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats and provides information on breed standards, shows, events, and publications.
  • PetMD: PetMD is a website that provides information on pet health, nutrition, behavior, and care.
  • The Spruce Pets: The Spruce Pets is a website that provides information on pet breeds, training, grooming, and care.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about cat breeds. Thank you for reading and happy cat hunting!

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