Cats are wonderful companions, but they also need proper care and attention to stay fit and healthy. As a cat owner, you want to provide your kitty with the best possible life, but you may not know how to do that. That's why we created this guide to exercise and nutrition for cats. In this article, you will learn:
- Why exercise and nutrition are important for cats
- What kind of food is best for your cat
- How much and how often to feed your cat
- What kind of toys and activities are good for your cat
- How to prevent obesity and other health problems in your cat
- How to monitor your cat's health and weight
By following these tips, you will help your cat live a long, happy, and healthy life. Let's get started!
Why Exercise and Nutrition Are Important for Cats
Cats are natural hunters and predators, but they also like to sleep a lot. In the wild, cats spend about 80% of their time resting, and only 20% of their time hunting, playing, and exploring. However, in domestic settings, cats may not have enough opportunities to exercise their natural instincts and behaviors. This can lead to boredom, stress, frustration, and health problems.
Exercise and nutrition are essential for keeping your cat fit and healthy. Exercise helps your cat burn calories, maintain muscle mass, improve blood circulation, reduce stress, and stimulate their brain. Nutrition provides your cat with the energy, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and water they need to support their body functions, immune system, skin, coat, teeth, and bones.
A lack of exercise and nutrition can cause many problems for your cat, such as:
- Obesity: Obesity is a common problem in cats, affecting up to 60% of them. Obesity can increase the risk of diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, liver disease, urinary tract infections, and some cancers in cats.
- Dental disease: Dental disease is another common problem in cats, affecting up to 85% of them. Dental disease can cause bad breath, tooth decay, gum inflammation, pain, infection, and tooth loss in cats.
- Hairballs: Hairballs are clumps of fur that accumulate in your cat's stomach or intestines when they groom themselves. Hairballs can cause vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and blockages in cats.
- Behavioral problems: Behavioral problems are often caused by boredom or stress in cats. Behavioral problems can include scratching furniture, spraying urine, aggression, anxiety, depression, and compulsive behaviors in cats.
To prevent these problems from happening or worsening in your cat, you need to provide them with adequate exercise and nutrition.
What Kind of Food Is Best for Your Cat
Once you have chosen the best cat food for your kitty, you need to decide how much and how often to feed them. This can vary depending on your cat's age, activity level, health, and preference. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow to ensure your cat gets enough food without overeating.
According to the Cornell Feline Health Center, most adult cats do well when fed one or two times a day. Senior cats, age seven and above, should maintain the same feeding regimen. Kittens, on the other hand, need more frequent meals to support their growth and development. They should be fed at least three to four times a day until they are six months old.
The amount of food you give your cat at each meal depends on their caloric needs and the type of food you are feeding. You can use the feeding instructions on the cat food package as a starting point, but keep in mind that they are only averages and may not suit your cat's individual needs. You can also use a calorie calculator to estimate how much food your cat needs based on their weight and condition.
A good way to measure your cat's food is to use a measuring cup or a kitchen scale. This will help you avoid overfeeding or underfeeding your cat. You can also use an automatic feeder that dispenses a preset amount of food at scheduled times. This can be helpful if you are away from home or have a busy schedule.
Some cats prefer to graze throughout the day rather than eat at set times. This can work for some cats, as long as they don't overeat or become obese. However, grazing can also lead to problems such as dental disease, vomiting, or attracting pests. If you choose to free-feed your cat, make sure you provide them with fresh food and water every day and monitor their intake and weight regularly.
Whatever feeding schedule you choose for your cat, make sure you stick to it and avoid changing it too often. Cats are creatures of habit and like to have a routine. Feeding your cat at consistent times will help them feel secure and happy.
What Kind of Toys and Activities Are Good for Your Cat
Source: Conversation with Bing, 7/24/2023 (1) How Often Should You Feed Your Cat? What You Need to Know | PawTracks. (2) How Much and How Often You Should Feed Your Cat. (3) How Often Should You Feed Your Cat? | Cornell University College of .... (4) How Often & How Much Should I Feed My Cat | Petbarn. (5) Feeding Times and Frequency for Your Cat | VCA Animal Hospitals. your cat the right amount and type of food is important, but it's not enough to keep them fit and healthy. Cats also need regular exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom, stress, obesity, and behavioral problems. Playing with your cat is one of the best ways to provide them with both physical and mental enrichment. Plus, it's fun for you and your cat!
There are many kinds of toys and activities that are good for your cat, depending on their personality, preference, and skill level. Some cats like to chase, pounce, and hunt, while others like to scratch, climb, and explore. Some cats like to play alone, while others like to interact with you or other cats. The key is to find out what your cat enjoys and offer them a variety of toys and activities to keep them interested and challenged.
Some examples of the best cat toys and activities are:
- Feather wand toys: These toys consist of a long stick with a feather or other attachment at the end. You can wave, drag, or flick the toy to mimic the movement of a bird or a mouse. This will stimulate your cat's predatory instincts and encourage them to chase, jump, and catch the toy.
- Laser pointer toys: These toys project a small red dot that you can move around on the floor or the wall. Your cat will try to catch the dot with their paws or mouth. This will provide them with a lot of exercise and fun. However, be careful not to shine the laser in your cat's eyes or point it at anything dangerous.
- Interactive cat toys: These toys respond to your cat's touch or movement with sounds, lights, or motions. They can keep your cat entertained for hours when you are not around or busy. Some examples are pop-up toys, pick-up toys, fish cat toys, and robotic cat toys.
- Puzzle cat toys: These toys challenge your cat's brain and reward them with treats or kibble. They can help your cat slow down their eating, prevent boredom, and improve their problem-solving skills. Some examples are food trees, balls, mazes, and sliders.
- Scratcher cat toys: These toys allow your cat to satisfy their natural urge to scratch and mark their territory. They can also help your cat stretch their muscles, sharpen their claws, and relieve stress. Some examples are scratch posts, pads, boards, and loungers.
- Play tunnel cat toys: These toys provide your cat with a cozy place to hide, nap, or play. They can also stimulate your cat's curiosity and sense of adventure. Some examples are fabric tunnels, cardboard tunnels, and crinkle tunnels.
These are just some examples of the best cat toys and activities you can find on the market. You can also make your own toys with household items such as cardboard boxes, paper bags, toilet paper rolls, or socks. The most important thing is to have fun with your cat and make them feel loved.
How to Prevent Obesity and Other Health Problems in Your Cat
Source: Conversation with Bing, 7/24/2023 (1) The Best 6 Interactive Cat Toys to Keep Your Kitty Busy. (2) The 12 Best Cat Toys for 2023 - Insider. (3) 15 Best Cat Toys of 2023 - Good Housekeeping. (4) The Best Cat Toys and Supplies - WIRED. is a serious health problem that affects many cats. Obesity can increase the risk of many diseases and complications, such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, liver disease, urinary tract infections, and some cancers. Obesity can also reduce your cat's quality of life and lifespan. Therefore, it is important to prevent your cat from becoming overweight or obese in the first place.
There are two main factors that contribute to obesity in cats: diet and exercise. To prevent obesity in cats, you need to balance these two factors and provide your cat with a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips on how to do that:
- Eliminate free feeding: Free feeding is when you leave food available for your cat at all times. This can lead to overeating and weight gain. Instead, you should feed your cat measured portions at scheduled times, according to their caloric needs and the feeding instructions on the food package.
- Choose a high-protein cat food: Cats are obligate carnivores and need animal protein to thrive. High-protein cat foods can help your cat feel full and satisfied, as well as maintain their muscle mass and metabolism. Avoid cat foods that have too many carbohydrates, especially from grains, legumes, or potatoes, as they can contribute to obesity and diabetes.
- Cut back on treats and people food: Treats and people food can add a lot of extra calories and fat to your cat's diet, as well as upset their digestion and nutritional balance. You should limit treats to no more than 10% of your cat's daily calories and avoid giving them any human food that is not safe or healthy for them.
- Feed small meals more frequently: Feeding your cat small meals more frequently can help them regulate their appetite and blood sugar levels, as well as prevent them from overeating at one time. You can split your cat's daily allowance into at least two meals, or ideally more. You can also use an automatic feeder or a puzzle toy to dispense food at regular intervals.
- Try food puzzles and drinking fountains: Food puzzles are toys that challenge your cat's brain and reward them with food. They can help your cat slow down their eating, prevent boredom, and improve their problem-solving skills. Drinking fountains are devices that provide your cat with fresh running water. They can help your cat stay hydrated, which is important for their kidney health and weight management.
- Feed cats separately in a multi-cat household: If you have more than one cat in your home, you may need to feed them separately to prevent competition, stealing, or overeating. You can use different rooms, bowls, or feeders to ensure each cat gets their own portion and type of food.
- Weigh your cat regularly: Weighing your cat regularly can help you monitor their weight and adjust their diet and exercise accordingly. You can use a digital scale or a body condition score chart to track your cat's weight changes. You should also consult your veterinarian for guidance on how much weight your cat needs to lose or gain.
- Encourage exercise with cat furniture: Cat furniture such as scratchers, trees, shelves, or tunnels can provide your cat with a cozy place to hide, nap, or play. They can also stimulate your cat's curiosity and sense of adventure. Cat furniture can help your cat stretch their muscles, sharpen their claws, relieve stress, and burn calories.
These are some of the ways you can prevent obesity and other health problems in your cat. By following these tips, you will help your cat live a long, happy, and healthy life.
How to Monitor Your Cat's Health and Weight
Source: Conversation with Bing, 7/24/2023 (1) 10 Tips to Prevent Your Cat from Becoming Overweight | Hepper. (2) Overweight, Obesity, and Pain in Cats: Prevention and Action Plans. (3) Obesity in cats - PDSA. (4) Common Cat Health Problems: How to Keep Your Cat Healthy. (5) Cat Dieting: How to Help Your Cat Lose Weight | PetMD. (6) How to Prevent Obesity in Your Cat | PetCoach. your cat fit and healthy is not only a matter of providing them with the right food and exercise, but also of monitoring their health and weight regularly. By doing so, you can detect any signs of illness or injury early and seek veterinary help if needed. You can also prevent or treat any weight-related problems that may affect your cat's well-being.
There are several ways you can monitor your cat's health and weight at home, such as:
- Check their coat: Your cat's fur should be smooth, thick, and shiny — or consistent with the standards for Sphynx, Rex, and other breeds with non-standard coats. It should not be dull, greasy, matted, or balding. A poor coat condition may indicate a nutritional deficiency, a parasite infestation, a skin infection, or a hormonal imbalance.
- Get in their face: Your cat's eyes should be clear, bright, and free of discharge or crust. Their ears should be clean, pink, and odorless. Their nose should be moist and cool, with no sneezing or discharge. Their mouth should have pink gums, white teeth, and no bad breath. Any abnormalities in these areas may indicate an infection, an allergy, a dental problem, or a systemic disease.
- Look at their teeth: Your cat's teeth should be white and clean, with no plaque, tartar, or decay. Their gums should be pink and firm, with no swelling, bleeding, or redness. Dental disease is a common problem in cats, affecting up to 85% of them. Dental disease can cause bad breath, tooth decay, gum inflammation, pain, infection, and tooth loss in cats.
- Be a weight watcher: Your cat's weight should be appropriate for their breed and body type. You can use a scale or a body condition score chart to measure your cat's weight. You can also use your eyes and hands to assess your cat's shape. You should be able to feel your cat's ribs, but they should not be visible. Your cat should have a tucked-up abdomen and a defined waistline. If your cat is underweight or overweight, they may have health problems such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, liver disease, or cancer.
- Monitor their intake and output: Your cat's food and water intake and urine and feces output can tell you a lot about their health. You should measure how much food and water your cat consumes every day and check their litter box for any changes in frequency, volume, color, odor, or consistency of their urine and feces. Any abnormalities in these areas may indicate a digestive problem, a urinary problem, a kidney problem, or a metabolic problem.
- Be on the lookout for behavior and activity-level changes: Your cat's behavior and activity level can reflect their mood and health. You should observe how your cat interacts with you and other pets, how they play and groom themselves, how they sleep and rest, and how they vocalize and express themselves. Any changes in these areas may indicate boredom, stress, pain, anxiety, depression, or illness.
These are some of the ways you can monitor your cat's health and weight at home. However, these methods are not substitutes for regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations. You should take your cat to the vet at least once a year for a physical exam and preventive care. If you notice any signs of illness or injury in your cat, you should contact your vet as soon as possible.
By monitoring your cat's health and weight at home and taking them to the vet when needed, you will help your cat stay fit and healthy for life.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 7/24/2023 (1) 6 Ways to Monitor Your Cat's Health at Home - Catster. (2) 3 Ways to Assess Your Cat's Weight - wikiHow. (3) Cat weight | Blue Cross. (4) Is Your Cat Overweight? How To Check | Purina. (5) 6 Ways to Monitor Your Cat's Health at Home - Catster. this article, we have covered the following topics:
- Why exercise and nutrition are important for cats
- What kind of food is best for your cat
- How much and how often to feed your cat
- What kind of toys and activities are good for your cat
- How to prevent obesity and other health problems in your cat
- How to monitor your cat's health and weight
We hope you have found this article informative and helpful. By following these tips, you will be able to keep your kitty fit and healthy for a long time. Remember, your cat is your friend and companion, and they deserve the best care and attention from you.
Thank you for reading this article. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you.